
Ann Kennedy

Assistant Professor, Northwestern University


The Behavior Ensemble and Neural Trajectory Observatory (Bento)

A graphical user interface for managing, exploring, and analyzing multimodal neuroscience datasets. Features: Bento can also be paired with MARS to train supervised classifiers for behaviors of interest in your data.

The Mouse Action Recognition System (MARS)

A computer vision system for pose estimation and behavior classification in pairs of interacting mice, developed in collaboration with Cristina Segalin in the laboratory of Pietro Perona.

Code in preparation for distribution.

Dynamic mushroom body model

A firing rate/spiking model of the Drosophila olfactory system, simulating the responses of ORNs, PNs, and Kenyon cells to a panel of odors. Captures the dynamics of recurrent inhibition in the PN and Kenyon cell populations, to more accurately predict Kenyon cell population representations of odors.

Code in preparation for distribution.

Other projects can be found on my Github repo.