import as sio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
import math
from sklearn.naive_bayes import *
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
This notebook is an analysis of rat hippocampal recording data; the original dataset is posted here.
This experiment contains neural spiking data and rat position data, saved into a .mat
file. Because of the size of the data, Matlab saves it in a compressed format (hdf5) that must be read using the h5py
module. We'll work with Cicero here, but if you'd like to explore more the Gatsby dataset is a different animal running on a linear track.
f = h5py.File('Cicero_09102014_sessInfo.mat','r');
#f = h5py.File('Gatsby_08022013_sessInfo.mat','r');
This file contains a struct named sessInfo
with fields Position
, Spikes
, and Epochs
. Position
and spikes
contain the position of the rat as it runs along a track (called a maze), and the time of recorded spikes during this and other behaviors. Epochs
gives the start and stop time of various behavioral assays (we'll ignore this for now and focus just on the maze-running experiment.)
gives the location of the rat while it runs on a (in this case circular) track. It has fields:
: the type of maze (ascii code, see conversion to string below)TwoDLocation
: the X- and Y- coordinates of the rat in the mazeOneDLocation
: a 1D representation of the animal's position (ie how far around the circle it has run)TimeStamps
: the time at which the animal is at the given position (we'll use this to align to the spike data)mazeType = ''.join(chr(i) for i in np.squeeze(f['sessInfo']['Position']['MazeType'][()])); #converts ascii values to a string
time = np.squeeze(f['sessInfo']['Position']['TimeStamps']);
pos2DRaw = np.squeeze(f['sessInfo']['Position']['TwoDLocation']);
framerate = 1/np.mean(time[1:]-time[:-1]) #compute the framerate of position tracking as the mean difference between timestamps
T = len(time);
The position data has some missing values (where the tracking failed). We can use np.interp
to fill these in by linear interpolation. This works pretty well, although there are a few (rare) timepoints where the tracking does jump around.
pos2D = np.copy(pos2DRaw);
x = lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]; # an anonymous helper function for interpolation
for i in range(0,2):
nans = np.isnan(pos2D[i,:]);
pos2D[i,nans] = np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), pos2D[i,~nans]);
Here's what the position data looks like when we plot it:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4));
inds = range(5000,10000);
ax[0].plot(time[inds],pos2DRaw[0,inds],'.',label='Raw tracking data');
ax[0].set_title('X Position');
ax[0].set_xlabel('Time (seconds)')
ax[1].plot(time[inds],pos2DRaw[1,inds],'.',label='Raw tracking data');
ax[1].set_title('Y Position');
ax[0].set_xlabel('Time (seconds)')
ax[2].plot(pos2DRaw[0,inds],pos2DRaw[1,inds],'.',label='Raw tracking data');
ax[2].set_title('2D Position, ' + mazeType);
Also to make life easier during decoding, we can try to decode the phase of the rat's trajectory around the maze, rather than its (x,y) position. This is given by:
linearPos = np.arctan2(pos2D[0,:-1],pos2D[1,:-1]); # for circular mazes
contains the recorded neural spiking from the experiment, which includes both the maze-running session as well as several other behaviors we won't be considering here. It has the following fields:
: the time (in seconds) at which each spike occursSpikeIDs
: which recorded neuron fired each spike in SpikeTimes
- eg, the tenth spike recorded happened at time SpikeTimes[9]
, and was fired by neuron SpikeIDs[9]
: the ID numbers of recorded neurons that are hypothesized (based on spike waveforms) to be pyramidal cellsIntIDs
: the ID numbers of recorded numbers that are hypothesized to be inhibitory interneuronsspTimes = f['sessInfo']['Spikes']['SpikeTimes'][0];
spIDs = f['sessInfo']['Spikes']['SpikeIDs'][0];
cells = np.unique(spIDs);
N = len(cells);
The original dataset contains spikes from a series of experiments; we only want to consider spikes that happened while the mouse was running on the maze, so we'll extract those out:
mazeTimes = np.logical_and(spTimes>=min(time), spTimes<=max(time));
mazeSpikes = spTimes[mazeTimes];
mazeIDs = spIDs[mazeTimes];
Now, we're going to convert the data in mazeSpikes
and mazeIDs
into a spike raster. This is similar to the vector of spikes we constructed in module 1 (spike-triggered averaging), but now the spikes come from multiple neurons, so instead of a vector we create an $N$ (neurons) by $T$ (time) matrix of spikes.
raster = np.zeros((N+1,T-1));
for ind,i in enumerate(cells.T):
raster[ind,:],_ = np.histogram(mazeSpikes[mazeIDs==i],time);
Here's what that spike raster looks like:
inds = range(0,400);
plt.title('Spiking of ' + str(N) + ' recorded neurons');
plt.xlabel('time since start of maze experiment (seconds)');
plt.ylabel('neuron number');
h.set_label('spikes per ' + "{:.1f}".format(1/framerate*1000) + 'ms time bin');
That's the data unpacked! So at time $t$, the rat is at position pos2d[:,t]
(or linearlized position linearPos[t]
), and the spiking activity of the N recorded neurons is given by raster[:,t]
Before going to the next step, we'll adjust time
so the maze run starts at time 0 instead of 17,375, and then clear some variables that are no longer needed to free up memory.
time = time - time[0];
del f, spTimes, spIDs;
We're also going to define a helper function that we can use to smooth our spike raster with a moving average (you may find this useful for decoding.)
def smooth(a,WSZ):
# a: NumPy 1-D or 2-D array containing the data to be smoothed (row-wise)
# WSZ: smoothing window size needs, which must be odd number
aSm = np.zeros(a.shape);
out0 = np.convolve(a,np.ones(WSZ,dtype=int),'valid')/WSZ;
r = np.arange(1,WSZ-1,2);
start = np.cumsum(a[:WSZ-1])[::2]/r;
stop = (np.cumsum(a[:-WSZ:-1])[::2]/r)[::-1];
aSm = np.concatenate(( start , out0, stop ));
for i in range(0,a.shape[0]):
out0 = np.convolve(a[i,:],np.ones(WSZ,dtype=int),'valid')/WSZ;
r = np.arange(1,WSZ-1,2);
start = np.cumsum(a[i,:WSZ-1])[::2]/r;
stop = (np.cumsum(a[i,:-WSZ:-1])[::2]/r)[::-1];
aSm[i,:] = np.concatenate(( start , out0, stop ));
return aSm;
Given neural data $y$ from a rat at position $x$, we will start by computing the prior $P(x)$and the likelihood $P(y|x)$ for a handful of example neurons. You'll want to discretize your representation of the rat's position into a handful of bins (I found 6 worked well.)
if you'd like, you can also plot a neuron's spikes superimposed over its position. If these were place cells, you'd see nice concentration of spiking at a certain location in the maze. (Unfortunately for us, they're not really that clean! But that doesn't mean we can't decode the rat's position from them.)
# convert 1D positions to discretized categories
nBinsY = 6;
digitizedPos = np.digitize(linearPos,np.linspace(min(linearPos),max(linearPos)+0.001,nBinsY+1)) - 1;
posBins = np.arange(0,nBinsY);
# choose an example cell to use for decoding, and then discretize spiking
cellnum = 20;
nBinsX = 5;
spikes = np.squeeze(raster[cellnum,:]);
digitizedSpikes = np.digitize(spikes,np.linspace(min(spikes),max(spikes)+0.001,nBinsX+1)) - 1;
spikeBins = np.arange(0,nBinsX+1);
# compute the prior, p(position):
posBinned,_ = np.histogram(digitizedPos[indsTrain],np.arange(0,nBinsY+1));
posBinned += 1; # we'll add 1 to each bin so the prior never assigns a probability of 0 to any location.
prior = posBinned/sum(posBinned);
# compute the likelihood p(spiking|position) for each position:
# first find all times within indsTrain where the animal was in position i,
# then use logical indexing to compute the histogram of spike counts for those times.
likelihood = np.zeros((nBinsY,nBinsX));
for ind in range(0,nBinsY):
hits = digitizedPos[indsTrain]==ind;
likelihood[ind,:],_ = np.histogram(digitizedSpikes[indsTrain[hits]],spikeBins);
likelihood[ind,:] /= sum(likelihood[ind,:]);
# and now compute the posterior, p(position|spiking), from the likelihood and the prior:
posterior = np.multiply(likelihood.T,prior).T;
# the maximum likelihood estimate of the animal's position = which position has highest probability in the likelihood,
# given the observed number of spikes.
# the maximum a-priori (MAP) estimate is the same, but computed from the posterior.
ML = np.argmax(likelihood,0);
MAP = np.argmax(posterior,0);
# now let's predict the rat's position at the timepoints in indsTest, using the maximum likelihood and MAP estimates:
MLestimate = ML[digitizedSpikes[indsTest]];
MAPestimate = MAP[digitizedSpikes[indsTest]];
groundTruth = Y[indsTest];
print('ML accuracy: %0.2f%%' % (100 * np.mean(MLestimate==groundTruth)))
print('MAP accuracy: %0.2f%%' % (100 * np.mean(MAPestimate==groundTruth)))
print('Chance accuracy: %0.2f%%' % (100 * 1/nBinsY))
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(14,4));
ax[0].set_title('Scaled likelihood matrix for neuron #' + str(cellnum))
ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of spikes observed');
ax[1].set_title('Scaled posterior matrix for neuron #' + str(cellnum))
ax[1].set_ylabel('Number of spikes observed');
ax[2].plot(ML,np.arange(0,5),'.-',label='ML estimate');
ax[2].plot(MAP,np.arange(0,5),'.-',label='MAP estimate');
ax[2].set_ylabel('number of spikes observed');
ax[2].set_title('Estimate of position');
ax[2].set_xlabel('Best estimate of position');
nBins = 6; # number of position categories to use
nXBins = 4; # number of spiking categories to use
binInds = np.arange(0,nBins+1);
XbinInds = np.arange(0,nXBins+1);
sm = 25; # smooth the spiking data by taking a sm-frame moving average
nCells = 50;
# specify training and test sets
indsTrain = np.arange(0,60000);
indsTest = np.arange(60001,90000);
bins = np.linspace(min(linearPos)-.001,max(linearPos)+.001,nBins+1);
Y = np.digitize(linearPos,bins) - 1;
posRange = np.arange(0,nBins);
likelihood = np.zeros((nCells,nBins,nXBins));
posterior = np.zeros((nCells,nBins,nXBins));
for cellnum in range(0,nCells):
# discretize spiking for this cell
X = smooth(np.squeeze(raster[cellnum,:]),sm);
Xbins = np.linspace(min(X),max(X)+.001,nXBins+1);
X = np.digitize(X,Xbins)-1;
# compute the prior
YBinned,_ = np.histogram(Y[indsTrain],binInds);
prior = YBinned/sum(YBinned) + np.finfo(float).eps;
# compute the likelihood matrix p(spike|position) over all values of position:
for ind in posRange:
likelihood[cellnum,ind,:],_ = np.histogram(X[indsTrain[Y[indsTrain]==ind]],XbinInds);
likelihood[cellnum,ind,:] = likelihood[cellnum,ind,:]/sum(likelihood[cellnum,ind,:]); #normalize so sum is 1
# now, let's do some prediction using the whole population
Tmax = 2000; #I'm just going to predict over the first 2000 timepoints of the test set
groundTruth = Y[indsTest];
runningLikelihood = np.ones((Tmax,nBins));
runningPosterior = np.ones((Tmax,nBins));
popML = np.zeros((Tmax,1));
popMAP = np.zeros((Tmax,1));
for cellnum in range(0,nCells):
X = smooth(np.squeeze(raster[cellnum,:]),sm);
Xbins = np.linspace(min(X),max(X)+.001,nXBins);
X = np.digitize(X,Xbins)-1;
for t in range(0,Tmax):
obsSpikes = X[indsTest[t]];
runningLikelihood[t,:] = np.multiply(runningLikelihood[t,:],np.squeeze(likelihood[cellnum,:,obsSpikes]));
# now compute the posterior at each timepoint t by multiplying the running likelihood by the prior
for t in range(0,Tmax):
runningPosterior[t,:] = np.multiply(runningLikelihood[t,:],prior);
popMAP[t] = np.argmax(np.squeeze(runningPosterior[t,:]));
popML[t] = np.argmax(np.squeeze(runningLikelihood[t,:]));
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(14,7));
h = ax[0].imshow(runningLikelihood.T,aspect='auto',origin='lower');
ax[0].set_title('position Likelihood as a function of time')
ax[0].plot(groundTruth[:Tmax]+.1,'w.-',label='actual position');
ax[0].plot(popML,'r.',label='ML estimate');
h = ax[1].imshow(runningPosterior.T,aspect='auto',origin='lower');
ax[1].set_xlabel('time (bins)');
ax[1].set_title('position Posterior as a function of time')
ax[1].plot(groundTruth[:Tmax]+.1,'w.-',label='actual position');
ax[1].plot(popMAP,'r.',label='MAP estimate');
nBins = 6;
bins = np.linspace(min(linearPos),max(linearPos)+0.001,nBins+1);
Y = np.digitize(linearPos,bins);
sm = 9; # smooth the spiking data with a moving average
X = smooth(raster,sm).T;
indsTrain = np.arange(0,80000);
indsTest = np.arange(80001,90000);
mdl = MultinomialNB();
myModel =[indsTrain,:], Y[indsTrain]);
estimate = myModel.predict(X[indsTest,:]);
groundTruth = Y[indsTest];
print('Accuracy: %0.2f%%' % (100*np.mean(estimate==groundTruth)))
print('Chance accuracy: %0.2f%%' % (100*1/(len(bins)-1)))
M = confusion_matrix(groundTruth,estimate);
plt.xlabel('Predicted location');
plt.ylabel('Actual location');
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis();
Y = linearPos>0; # convert linear position to something binary
sm = 25;
indsTrain = np.arange(0,60000);
indsTest = np.arange(60001,90000);
Y = linearPos[indsTrain]>0;
X = smooth(raster[:40,indsTrain],sm);, Y);
Ytest = linearPos[indsTest]>0;
Xtest = smooth(raster[:40,indsTest],sm);
est = clf.predict(Xtest.T);
MSE = ((Ytest.astype(int) - est)**2).mean(axis=0);
plt.title('Classifier accuracy: %02.1f%%' % (100*(1-MSE)));